
Scorching Summoning
Solaris amasses damage taken by allies over 2 seconds (up to 1 762 733 (180% ATK)) and then summons incinerating Light Beams, stunning enemies for 1.7 second and dealing 1 566 874 (160% ATK) base damage and 100% of the amassed damage to each enemy.
Immune to debuffs while the skill is active

Invoke Light
Solaris invokes the power of Light, increasing the max and current health of allies by 6.7% of their base health until the end of the battle.

Belav’s Greatness
Elemental Damage: +422 565

Crown of Light
Elemental Armor: +161 967

Gleaming Balance Seal
Health: +3 521 370 Attack: +264 101
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