Galahad was born into a noble family, and from childhood he was prepared to become the family's heir. He was not only taught martial arts and the sciences, but was also instilled with the idea of being superior by birthright. From a young age, he knew that he was better, stronger, and nobler than his peers; that he deserved the best and was destined for great things. To some, such a destiny may seem enviable, but the expectations placed upon the "golden child" were high. However, Galahad's parents were not tyrants. They belonged to the highest aristocracy and loved their son — within the boundaries of the cultural norms of their society.
Galahad's rigorous education served him well. He sought to command his peers according to the right of the strongest and most skilled, stubbornly asserting his leadership and not tolerating disobedience. For those who misbehaved, Galahad devised various punishments (standing for a day in front of the windows of his residence, spending three days in a dangerous and gloomy swamp, subsisting on garden slugs for a week). As a result, the young aristocrat had no friends, but his parents led him to believe that this was normal. The one who is born to rule needs loyal followers, not friends.
Galahad had to complete his martial arts training by his coming-of-age day. The final test was in front of him: to slay a terrible monster that had made its home in the nearby forests. He had to do it alone. Galahad set off for the battle, his mind filled with dreams of becoming a knight. Meanwhile at his parents' estate, the preparations for his celebratory return began.
Galahad brilliantly passed the test. He emerged from the forest with the monster's head fastened to his saddle, already looking forward to the celebrations in honor of his triumph. But those dreams were not meant to be. Upon returning to his parents' estate, Galahad found his family dead. Demons had attacked the estate and slaughtered all of the inhabitants. Galahad's uncle, Mordred, had only just arrived at the scene of the tragedy, too late to save his relatives.
The young man was stunned and devastated. Everyone he knew and loved was gone. His world collapsed in an instant. His uncle Mordred became the young knight's guardian. He skillfully persuaded Galahad that he must at all costs prevent such evil from happening again, and that it was therefore his duty to join the Kharunian army and protect the Dominion. The young man sincerely believed his uncle, and so he renounced his inheritance (as required by the organization's charter) and set off to perform noble deeds.
The Kharunian army is a private military order whose fighters are unrivaled in the Dominion and serve throughout the world. The army's recruits proclaim themselves to be defenders and warriors of the light, but they are known to frequently sell their services to lucrative employers. Everyone is welcome to join, but under one condition: the applicant must renounce their previous life and dedicate themselves entirely to military service.
In Kharun's army, the destinies of several heroes became intertwined. It was here that Galahad met Aurora, his future love, and Gareth, his future friend. At first, the trio did not get on particularly well. Nevertheless, the Kharunian command saw the potential of the new recruits and sent all three of them to train under Cornelius. Cornelius trained those fighters who could become truly great heroes.
It wasn't easy for Galahad. The character of the young aristocrat constantly made itself known. He often argued with his mentor, bullied those around him, and practically declared Gareth to be his personal nemesis, trying to compete with him in everything. Gareth, hailing from humble origins, had a calm and balanced temperament in comparison. He felt that there was more to Galahad's behavior than just the caprice of a spoiled boy. Gradually, they came to respect each other, and, after many battles fought side-by-side, became true friends.
Aurora kept Galahad at a distance. Coming from a noble family of elves, she looked upon the "gilded knights" with some disdain. To her, Galahad was just another aristocrat trying to win her favor. At the same time, a certain connection and mutual understanding developed between her and Gareth. Perhaps Aurora wanted it to grow into something more, but Gareth did not understand subtle hints, and he dared not to even think of such a possibility himself. At first, Galahad took Aurora's coldness as a personal insult, but later, as they both developed their respective relationships with Gareth, he stepped aside and didn't interfere — although the elf had taken a permanent place in his heart.
Training under Cornelius and gaining practical experience of battling in the Kharunian army made the trio not just friends, but outstanding fighters too. Cornelius awakened special powers in each of them. From an ordinary knight, Galahad transformed into a hero who always fought on the front lines, unleashing on the enemy a steel storm of magically summoned blades.
Cornelius helped Galahad to combine his combat style with magic. Under the guidance of his mentor, the young knight created a special sword that intimately connected to his inner strength and spirit. Thanks to this sword, Galahad was able to fully manifest his potential. This blade could duplicate itself, strike the enemy every time without fail, and obeyed Galahad's will like a loyal hound. As Galahad became stronger, so did his sword. The magical weapon changed its appearance depending on its strength and the strength of its owner.
Despite his friendship with Gareth, Galahad still sought to prove his superiority in everything. The trio of heroes gained widespread fame. And when demons invaded the Dominion, they found themselves at the forefront of the defense along with the Kharunian army.
The conflict was escalating. The army's command came up with a daring plan: to send the trio of their strongest heroes behind enemy lines to wipe out the hordes of demons in a single blow and kill the Archdemon. Galahad and his companions agreed without hesitation. But Galahad and Gareth decided together that Aurora would not come with them — the mission was too dangerous.
The campaign became legendary. Galahad and his friend hacked their way through the enemy hordes, eventually reaching their target. A harrowing duel with the Archdemon ensued, in which the two heroes fought tooth and nail to finally defeat him. But the essence of the demons was insidious. After the death of their leader, it turned out that the Archdemon was not so much a commander as a supervisor, keeping the destructive potential of the horde within limits. If the Archdemon died, the rest of the demons would go on an uncontrollable rampage, causing much more devastation than when they were under his control.
Galahad's friend made his choice. Gareth absorbed the Archdemon's essence, becoming the new Archdemon in order to prevent the raging hordes from wreaking further havoc. Galahad replayed this moment in his memory for a long time after, blaming himself continuously for what happened. When the choice arose — who would take on this heavy fate? — Galahad hesitated, if only for a second. In his mind's eye he dwelled on the vision of his ruined estate and the faces of his deceased father and mother, while his friend made the decisive step forward. That moment determined everything.
Galahad never told anyone what happened on that mission. According to the official version, his friend died in the battle with the Archdemon. The demonic essence destroyed Gareth's personality, but the fragments of his former self remained somewhere inside the new Archdemon, including his sense of duty and his desire to limit the hordes from attacking the Dominion as much as possible.
The emperor proclaimed Galahad a Hero and appointed him as his advisor. This was more of an honorary title than an actual position, since Galahad continued to fight and protect the Dominion on the battlefield. However, following the battle with the Archdemon, his character began to change. The qualities of kindness, compassion, leadership and fairness became more pronounced in him. Yes, Galahad was still far from perfect. He often lost his head in battle, was overconfident and stubborn, puffed up with pride at his own importance, and still considered himself worthy of the title of the greatest hero that ever lived — but everyone noticed the changes taking place within his soul. The change was noticed even by Aurora, whose relationship with him had already started to become something more than friendship after that fateful campaign...

Tank/ Warrior
Fights at the front line
Knowing no fear or doubt, sturdy as Kharunian steel, Galahad moves only forward. His confidence in himself and his allies has kept the great warrior strong for many years.
Read full story
Maximum stats
Power195 156
Health1 159 084
Strength17 584
Armor55 450
Physical Attack69 428
Agility3 301
Magic Attack9 878
Magic Defense48 540
Intelligence9 878
Strengths & Weaknesses
Great survivability.
High damage.
Control effects prevent him from healing and reduce his survivability.
Less effective against heroes with Dodge (Aurora, Dante, Heidi, Yasmine, Qing Mao).
Community Opinion
Team Examples

Please note that the recommendations here are not official Nexters recommendations. We’re gathering this information from various community resources. We make every effort to credit each piece of information to its original source, ensuring that you know whose opinions and suggestions you're reading.
Community Opinion
Other counters:

Please note that the recommendations here are not official Nexters recommendations. We’re gathering this information from various community resources. We make every effort to credit each piece of information to its original source, ensuring that you know whose opinions and suggestions you're reading.

Iron Skies
Galahad brings down swords of justice on the enemies' heads.
Hit damage: 28628 (Depends on physical attack)
Ascension skill: Iron Retribution
Iron Skies also apply Retaliation to enemies with less than 30% Health (max 5 each time).

Unstoppable Charge
Dashes forward, removing control effects and dealing damage to enemies nearby.
Damage: 41214 (Depends on physical attack)
Ascension skill: Relentless Charge
Relentless Charge activates when the closest enemy uses their ultimate ability, bypassing the ability queue (no more than once per 7 seconds). The closest enemy hit with the Charge loses 30% of their energy.

Performs a special move, striking the enemy with the lowest health.
Damage: 61042 (Depends on physical attack)

Harun’s Pride
Passive: The Iron Skies skill now deals an extra 17136 (Depends on physical attack) pure damage. Active: Galahad acts like a true hero in the heat of battle. In this state, all his skills and attacks deal extra pure damage for the duration of 10 seconds.

+1 365

Physical Attack:
+7 095

+106 870

+10 650

Magic Defense:
+10 650

Physical Attack:
+7 095
Community Opinion
Romantic skin
Champion Skin
Default skin
Celestial Skin
Angelic Skin
Thundering skin

Romantic skin
should be leveled up first

Please note that the recommendations here are not official Nexters recommendations. We’re gathering this information from various community resources. We make every effort to credit each piece of information to its original source, ensuring that you know whose opinions and suggestions you're reading.

Harunian Sword
Activation chance: 100% Physical attack: +33459

Defender’s Covenant
Armor: +12546 Magic Defense: +12546

Ring of Strength
Strength: +6249
Community Opinion

Please note that the recommendations here are not official Nexters recommendations. We’re gathering this information from various community resources. We make every effort to credit each piece of information to its original source, ensuring that you know whose opinions and suggestions you're reading.

“Lost Hero” Animated Short
Galahad and Aurora bravely challenge ruthless Archdemon, unaware of the grim price they'll have to pay for victory

Keira — Raging Blades
Galahad helps stop Morth Chrone in Chapter 4

Galahad Music Theme
The official music theme for Galahad

Galahad and Cleaver fight against the Chaos army

Archdemon Returns!
Galahad is the Archdemon’s main target in this short animated trailer
I need a hero
Become a legend!